Pupil Premium Strategy
It is our key objective to narrow the gap between pupil groups. Through targeted interventions, projects and initiatives we are working and developing ways of reducing and eliminating barriers to learning and progress. Through robust policies, assessment and procedures we must ensure children who start school with low attainment make accelerated progress, in order to achieve age related expectations and beyond.
Common barriers to educational achievement for pupils at St Teresa's who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant are:
· more frequent behaviour/emotional difficulties,
. weak language and communication skills,
· lack of confidence
· attendance and punctuality issues,
Complex family situations also commonly prevent children from flourishing. Any or all of these factors can result in a poorer ability to read, comprehend, write and calculate. These key skills impact upon the learning of foundation subjects, particularly in inability to read fluently.
The Pupil Premium is funding in addition to the school's budget. Schools are free to decide how to allocate this funding to best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.
The school recognises the importance of any decisions made regarding the allocation of the pupil premium funding, given the context and the challenges of the school.